

7 Seasons

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  • Advanced-Elite: Off-ice salchow entry and reach back with resistance band drill

    Purpose: This drill works on the stability and the strength needed in the reach back of the salchow entry and take-off. Skaters can make this exercise easier or more difficult based on the resistance of the band

    Focus: Stability, free leg power, salchow entry, salchow take-off

  • Foundation-Advanced: Salchow single leg take-off 1/4 floor turns to single drill

    Purpose: This drill helps skaters work on their stability and alignment over their skating side during the salchow entry until the take-off.

    Focus: Salchow entry, salchow take-off, alignment, skating side, stability, upper body position, free side lifted

  • Foundation-Advanced: Double salchow single leg take-off demonstration

    Purpose: This video shows skaters how to walk through a single or double salchow off-ice using the one foot take-off

    Focus: Salchow walk-through, double salchow walk-through, single leg take-off

  • Foundation-Advanced: On-ice upper body edge pressure salchow entry drill

    Purpose: This drill helps skaters understand the inside pressure they need to feel against the circle on the salchow entry before the take-off. This is important so that skaters maintain a good axis over their skating leg before initiating the jump.

    Focus: Salchow entry, edge pressure, upper bo...

  • Foundation-Advanced: On-ice salchow entry upper body position check drill

    Purpose: This drill helps skaters who are using the one foot take-off into a salchow to learn how to keep their upper body position from rotating before the take-off of the jump.

    Focus: One foot take-off, shoulder position, head position, arm position, entry check

  • Advanced: Off-ice double salchow from forward outside three turn demonstration

    Purpose: This video demonstrates an off-ice double salchow, "single leg" take-off, from a forward outside three turn

    Focus: Basic technique, across the floor

  • Foundation-Elite: Off-ice loop band salchow exercises mini class


    Purpose: This video features exercises to help train the muscles for the salchow jump, whether you are working on singles, doubles or triples. It is important to train the smaller muscle groups to help activate the positions properly.

    Focus: Salchow entry, glute activation, salchow take-off, sa...

  • Advanced- Salchow- Double + Triple Drills

    Episode 1

    Demonstrations of various drills for double and triple salchow.

  • Foundation: On-ice salchow same leg landing drill

    Episode 1

    Level: Foundation
    Base exercise: Salchow walkthrough
    Variation: The first salchow lands on the take-off leg rather than the landing leg
    Purpose: This drill helps skaters practice the increase of inside edge needed on salchow take-off without the free leg generating too much momentum or driving th...

  • Foundation: On-ice salchow narrow entry to take-off wall drill

    Level: Foundation
    Base exercise: Salchow entry to take-off walkthrough
    Variation: Against the boards
    Purpose: This exercise uses boards to help feel the alignment of the body over the skating side on the salchow take-off. The skater needs to press their take-off side against the boards, and lift ...

  • Advanced-Elite: On-ice double or triple salchow entry and take-off edge drill

    Episode 2

    Purpose: This drill helps skaters on the double or triple salchow to feel the increase of speed and edge on the inside edge take-off.

    Focus: Salchow troubleshooting, salchow entry, salchow take-off, inside edge increase, power, swingy

  • Foundation-Elite: On-ice "two foot" salchow take-off placement tutorial

    Purpose: This tutorial teaches skaters the ""two foot"" take-off on the salchow. This take-off does not actually take off on two feet, but as opposed to the traditional salchow take-off, skaters place their free foot down on the ice to help maintain stability and good placement before lifting off...

  • Foundation: On ice forward outside three turn salchow entrance demonstration

    Level: Foundation
    Base exercise: Forward outside three turn salchow entrance walkthrough
    Variation: None
    Purpose: By isolating just the entrance into the entry on a salchow jump, skaters can improve their overall jump by having more control on the setup. Isolation also helps skaters and coaches ...

  • Advanced: On-ice salchow back outside 3turn C-cut two foot entrance

    Level: Advanced
    Base exercise: Salchow entrance
    Variation: Back outside three turn c-cut to two foot placement
    Purpose: The back outside three turn c-cut entrance helps with rhythm and flow into a salchow, and helps skaters warm up knee bend going into the jump. The two foot placement after the c...

  • Foundation: On ice back crossovers salchow entry to follow through demonstration

    Level: Foundation
    Base exercise: Salchow entry to follow through
    Variation: Skip a three turn entrance and use back crossovers to gain speed for the salchow entry
    Purpose: By removing the typical three turn salchow entrance, skaters avoid the lack of control they may experience from the three ...

  • Advanced: On ice salchow back outside three turn c-cut entrance demonstration

    Level: Advanced
    Base exercise: Salchow entrance
    Variation: Landing leg back outside 3 turn, check, c cut, salchow entry
    Purpose: This salchow entrance helps with rhythm and flow into a salchow. It allows skaters to feel a rhythmic knee action in the entrance before the entry check
    Helps with ...

  • Foundation: On ice salchow entry to take-off with shoulder isolations drill

    "Level: Foundation
    Base exercise: On-ice
    Variation: Hands on hips to isolate and fix shoulder position
    Purpose: This exercise helps skaters focus on stacking their shoulders and hips to remain over their skating side on the salchow entry rather than their arms dropping too low or initiating rotat...

  • Beginner: On-ice standstill forward outside three turn entrance salchow demo

    Level: Beginner
    Base exercise: Salchow jump
    Variation: From standstill, on an axis
    Purpose: This setup is helpful for skaters to understand the flow and direction of a salchow jump. Starting from standstill also gives skaters more control to hit the jump phases
    Focus: Basic technique, jump pathwa...

  • Beginner: Salchow from stationary forward outside three turn demonstration

    Level: Beginner Base exercise: Salchow jump Variation: From standstill Purpose: Practicing a salchow from standstill helps skaters work on controlling their body without too much momentum throwing off the alignment of each position. Going slower enables skaters to hit each distinct phase of the j...

  • Beginner-Foundation: Off-ice counterclockwise single salchow phases tutorial

    Purpose: This video teaches a counterclockwise salchow jump from a forward outside three turn entrance into all the salchow jump phases: entry, take-off, follow-through, air position and landing.

    Focus: Basic technique, salchow entrance, salchow entry, salchow take-off, salchow follow-through, ...

  • Beginner-Foundation: Off-ice single salchow introductory tutorial

    Purpose: This video introduces an off-ice salchow and breaks down the different phases so skaters can really understand the jump all the way throughout from the entrance into the landing. It also covers most common mistakes and why they happen.

    Focus: Basic technique, salchow entrance, salchow ...

  • Foundation: Off ice salchow walk through demonstration

    Level: Foundation Jump: Salchow Jump phase: Entire jump Purpose: Walkthrough each of the jump phases to create muscle memory before attempting the jump. On/Off ice: Off ice Equipment: No equipment

  • Beginner-Foundation: On-ice introductory salchow tutorial

    Episode 1

    In this video, Signe breaks down an on ice salchow for skaters who are learning it for the first time. She uses a forward outside three turn entrance, as that is the most simple for skaters who are just starting the jump. She breaks down each part of the jump quite slowly so that skaters can work...