Level: Foundation
Base exercise: Salchow walkthrough
Variation: The first salchow lands on the take-off leg rather than the landing leg
Purpose: This drill helps skaters practice the increase of inside edge needed on salchow take-off without the free leg generating too much momentum or driving the rotation.
Helps with these common mistakes: Not having an increase of edge for the salchow take-off leg before moving into rotation, not getting full vertical extension on the jump, free leg too swingy or not checked, skidding or sliding on salchow take-off
Associated skating element: Salchow
Rotational direction demonstrated: Counterclockwise
Equipment: No equipment
Up Next in General
Foundation: On-ice salchow narrow ent...
Level: Foundation
Base exercise: Salchow entry to take-off walkthrough
Variation: Against the boards
Purpose: This exercise uses boards to help feel the alignment of the body over the skating side on the salchow take-off. The skater needs to press their take-off side against the boards, and lift ... -
Advanced-Elite: On-ice double or trip...
Purpose: This drill helps skaters on the double or triple salchow to feel the increase of speed and edge on the inside edge take-off.
Focus: Salchow troubleshooting, salchow entry, salchow take-off, inside edge increase, power, swingy
Foundation-Elite: On-ice "two foot" s...
Purpose: This tutorial teaches skaters the ""two foot"" take-off on the salchow. This take-off does not actually take off on two feet, but as opposed to the traditional salchow take-off, skaters place their free foot down on the ice to help maintain stability and good placement before lifting off...