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Flexibility Poses & Static Stretches

Flexibility Poses & Static Stretches

5 Seasons

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Flexibility Poses & Static Stretches
  • Foundation-Advanced: Lying down IT band stretch with stretch strap

    Episode 1

    Purpose: The IT band can get very tight for skaters and can be a limiting factor in their flexibilty. This stretch uses a band to help hold the leg in a static position to feel the stretch.

    Focus: IT band flexibilty

  • Foundation: Seated forward fold stretch

    Episode 2

    Purpose: This stretch is a foundational one for stretching the lower back, hamstrings, and calves. It's a great pose to use in your warm-up or cool-down.

    Focus: Hamstring, calves, low back, flexibility, tension relief.

  • Beginner-Foundation: Seated single leg hamstring stretch

    Episode 3

    Purpose: This hamstring stretch allows skaters to work on stretching one hamstring at a time, so they can get deeper into the stretch. This stretch also flows well in a stretch sequence from low and high lunges

    Focus: Hamstring flexibilty

  • Foundation-Advanced: Pyramid pose forward fold stretch

    Episode 4

    Purpose: This stretch is a variation of the forward fold that also has a balance and stability element. The front hamstring is stretched while the back quad is strengthened and the back calf and ankle are stretched.

    Focus: Hamstring flexibility, quad strength, ankle mobility, calf stretch, bala...

  • Foundation-Advanced: Hips lifted single leg hamstring stretch

    Episode 5

    Purpose: This version of the hamstring stretch keeps the hips elevated and square so that skaters can work maintaining the square position of their hips and shoulders like they will need in the forward splits. This is a good stretch to put in sequence for working on the forward splits and spirals...

  • Advanced: Seated forward straddle with reach forward stretch

    Episode 6

    Purpose: This split is helpful for skaters to work on their middle split flexibility, their Russian split jump, and external hip rotation. Reaching forward in the straddle increases the intensity of the stretch and also allows skaters to work on lengthening their spine and stretching their arms a...

  • Beginner-Foundation: Seated single leg hamstring stretch

    Episode 7

    Purpose: This seated hamstring stretch is helpful for stretching one hamstring at a time. It is easier than a standing variation because the skater does not have to focus on stability and can get deeper into the stretch.

    Focus: Hamstring flexibility, ankle mobility, ankle flexion, forward splits

  • Foundation-Advanced: Lying down Y stretch with stretch strap

    Episode 8

    Purpose: Using a band can be particularly helpful when skaters are working towards certain poses, such as a Y-stand. This stretch helps skaters improve their Y-stand for spirals and spin variations

    Focus: External hip rotation, hip flexibilty, hamstring flexibilty,

  • Foundation: Standing single leg hamstring stretch

    Episode 9

    Purpose: This pose stretches one hamstring at a time, which can allow you to get deeper into the stretch. The foot lifted up also helps with ankle flexion and mobility

    Focus: Hamstring flexibility, ankle mobility, ankle flexion, forward splits

  • Advanced: Front oversplits hamstring stretch

    Episode 10

    Purpose: When skaters can do their front splits all the way to the ground, with square hips, they are ready to work on their oversplits. Placing a yoga block under the front leg increases the intensity of the hamstring stretch in the front leg.

    Focus: Hamstring flexibilty

  • Foundation: Frog pose stretch

    Episode 11

    Purpose: The frog pose is a great hip opener that can help skaters improve their middle splits or their Russian split jump. Skaters should gently ease into it as it can be quite an intense stretch.

    Focus: Hip external rotation, adductors, groin, back tension relief.

  • Foundation: Cobra back flexibilty stretch

    Episode 12

    Purpose: This pose is great for building back flexibilty by stretching the front of the body--the chest, abs, and psoas muscle. After arching or bending the back, skaters should reset with a recovery pose that rounds or curves the back.

    Focus: Back flexibilty, back bend, chest stretch, psoas st...

  • Foundation: Half knee bridge pose hold exercise

    Episode 13

    Purpose: This flexibilty pose helps skaters start to gently work towards their bridge pose

    Focus: Mid back flexibility, injury prevention

  • Advanced-Elite: Off-ice bridge pose with straight legs stretch

    Episode 14

    Purpose: Skaters can increase the difficulty and stretch in their bridge position by straightening their legs.

    Focus: Bridge pose, back flexibility, Biellmann spin

  • Advanced: Knee bridge with single arm lateral and backwards reach stretch

    Episode 15

    Purpose: This variation of a knee bridge enables skaters to stretch more deeply into one side as well as stretch laterally. This stretch could be held for up to 60 seconds or done in a sequence with other variations.

    Focus: Back flexibility, shoulder mobility, upper body flexibility, biellmann ...

  • Advanced-Elite: Off-ice bridge pose with straight legs progression stretch

    Episode 16

    Purpose: Skaters can work towards their straight leg bridge pose progressively by alternating straightening one leg at a time.

    Focus: Bridge pose, back flexibility, Biellmann spin, progression

  • Advanced: Elevated reverse prayer childs pose stretch

    Episode 17

    Purpose: This variation of childs pose is a great preparation for any kind of overhead reach, like in a biellmann spin, that needs good shoulder flexion

    Focus: Shoulder mobility, heart opener, back bends, overhead reach, injury prevention, shoulder extension

  • Advanced: Hands elevated childs pose stretch

    Episode 18

    Purpose: This variation of childs pose is a great preparation for any kind of overhead reach, like in a biellmann spin, that needs good shoulder flexion

    Focus: Shoulder mobility, heart opener, back bends, overhead reach, injury prevention

  • Beginner-Advanced: Shoulder and arm mobility and flexibility sequence mini class

    Episode 19

    Purpose: This video leads skaters through a sequence of shoulder stretches. Shoulder flexibilty and mobility is important for general injury prevention as well as several flexibilty and spin skills such as y-stand, biellmann, catch foot camel.

    Focus: Shoulder mobility, shoulder rotation, tricep...

  • Beginner-Foundation: Puppy pose stretch

    Episode 20

    Purpose: This pose helps skaters focus on stretching more of the upper body, including the spine, shoulders, upper back, arms, and core. It can also help release tension in your upper body.

    Focus: Upper body tension release, shoulder mobility, spinal elongation, back tension release, backbend

  • Beginner-Foundation: Seated spinal twist stretch

    Episode 21

    Purpose: This seated spinal twist is great for stretching the shoulders and the spine, and can help to relieve mild back pain and tension. It also helps skaters learn to twist their torso, which is needed for twist or layover spin variations.

    Focus: Shoulder mobility, spinal elongation, spinal r...

  • Beginner-Advanced: Shoulder flexibility mini class

    Episode 22

    0:05 Shoulder Stretches
    0:10 Stretch #1
    1:10 Stretch #2
    2:45 Strech #3
    4:00 Stretch #4
    5:05 Stretch #5
    6:00 Stretch #6
    Focus: Shoulder stretches, y-stand, Biellmann, donut spin, catch foot, upper body flexibility"