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Flexibility Poses & Static Stretches

Advanced: Pancake stretch


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  • Foundation-Advanced: Lying down IT ba...

    Purpose: The IT band can get very tight for skaters and can be a limiting factor in their flexibilty. This stretch uses a band to help hold the leg in a static position to feel the stretch.

    Focus: IT band flexibilty

  • Foundation: Seated forward fold stretch

    Purpose: This stretch is a foundational one for stretching the lower back, hamstrings, and calves. It's a great pose to use in your warm-up or cool-down.

    Focus: Hamstring, calves, low back, flexibility, tension relief.

  • Beginner-Foundation: Seated single le...

    Purpose: This hamstring stretch allows skaters to work on stretching one hamstring at a time, so they can get deeper into the stretch. This stretch also flows well in a stretch sequence from low and high lunges

    Focus: Hamstring flexibilty