Purpose: The pancake can help skaters prep for the middle splits. In a pancake stretch, the skater folds forward, which mainly targets the hamstrings, but the legs are open, which also works hip rotation. The difference between the pancake and the middle splits is that in a pancake stretch, the pelvis is an anterior tilt.
Focus: External rotation, hamstring flexibilty, hip rotation, anterior pelvic tilt, spinal elongation
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Foundation-Advanced: Lying down IT ba...
Purpose: The IT band can get very tight for skaters and can be a limiting factor in their flexibilty. This stretch uses a band to help hold the leg in a static position to feel the stretch.
Focus: IT band flexibilty
Foundation: Seated forward fold stretch
Purpose: This stretch is a foundational one for stretching the lower back, hamstrings, and calves. It's a great pose to use in your warm-up or cool-down.
Focus: Hamstring, calves, low back, flexibility, tension relief.
Beginner-Foundation: Seated single le...
Purpose: This hamstring stretch allows skaters to work on stretching one hamstring at a time, so they can get deeper into the stretch. This stretch also flows well in a stretch sequence from low and high lunges
Focus: Hamstring flexibilty