Plyometric Jumps

Plyometric Jumps

6 Seasons

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Plyometric Jumps
  • Foundation: Off-ice forward 1/2 turn to eagle position off step drill

    Purpose: This drill helps skaters work on stability and control on their landing position after rotation, and from an increased height.

    Focus: Landing, stability, control, eagle position, free hip lifted, upper body position

  • Foundation-Advanced: Off-ice forward bound & hip twist & 1/2 turn drill

    Episode 12

    Purpose: Combine several plyometric elements into one with this drill. Skaters should make sure that they alternate directions of rotation on the 1/2 turn.

    Focus: Explosive power, max rotation, horizontal jump, vertical height, quick twitch

  • Advanced-Elite: Axel and loop single leg forward bound with twist & 1 turn drill

    Episode 11

    Purpose: This exercise combines different elements of a jump, vertical height, horizontal distance, and rotation, into a compound exercise to help skaters work on their loop and axel take-off leg.

    Focus: Axel take-off, loop take-off, jump consistency, vertical height, rotation, quick twitch, ho...

  • Advanced-Elite: Single leg stationary axel take-off 1/4 turn & lateral hop drill

    Episode 10

    Purpose: This drill helps skaters practice resetting after lateral landings on their axel take-off leg in order to generate vertical height and rotation.

    Focus: Axel take-off, consistency, lateral jump, vertical height, single leg stationary axel take-off, explosive power

  • Advanced-Elite: Off-ice double leg long jump with hip twist and max rotation

    Episode 9

    Purpose: This exercise combines a lot of plyometric jump elements into one drill. Skaters should alternate the direction they jump for each cone, doing their max rotation for that direction.

    Focus: Quick twitch, timing and rhythm, explosive power, vertical height, air position, max rotation, ho...

  • Foundation-Elite: Off-ice alternating axel and loop hip twists drill

    Episode 7

    Purpose: Use this exercise to warm-up quick twitch and hip snap for change foot and same foot take-off jumps.

    Focus: single leg stationary axel take-off, single leg stationary loop take-off, quick twitch, warm-up, hip snap, vertical height, air position.

  • Advanced-Elite: Off-ice single leg forward cone jumps with lockdown drill

    Episode 8

    Purpose: This exercise combines forward horizontal jump with vertical height so skaters can work on multiple elements in one drill. The cones help skaters work on maintaining even distance between each jump.
    Focus: Vertical height, horizontal height, explosive power, spatial awareness, single le...

  • Advanced: Off-ice 5 compound plyometric workout sequence C

    Episode 6

    Purpose: This sequence of plyometric exercises can be used as a workout with 2-3 sets. Skaters can either do a timed workout, with 40-60second intervals and a 20 second rest, or they can do 10-15 reps of each exercise.

    Focus: Workout, explosive power, rotation, quick twitch, plyometrics

  • Advanced: Off-ice 5 compound plyometric workout sequence B

    Episode 5

    Purpose: This sequence of plyometric exercises can be used as a workout with 2-3 sets. Skaters can either do a timed workout, with 40-60second intervals and a 20 second rest, or they can do 10-15 reps of each exercise.

    Focus: Workout, explosive power, rotation, quick twitch, plyometrics

  • Advanced: Off-ice 5 compound plyometric workout sequence A

    Episode 1

    Purpose: This sequence of plyometric exercises can be used as a workout with 2-3 sets. Skaters can either do a timed workout, with 40-60second intervals and a 20 second rest, or they can do 10-15 reps of each exercise.

    Focus: Workout, explosive power, rotation, quick twitch, plyometrics

  • Elite: Off-ice curtsey lunge to lateral axel and loop take-off with twist drill

    Episode 4

    Purpose: This plyometric exercise has a lot of benefits in one. It builds strength in the lunge, and then skaters need to maintain good alignment to be able to explode laterally, with a twist mid-air. Then skaters need to have good control on the landing to be able to continue the exercise


  • Advanced: Skater hop + twist jump both directions on landing leg drill

    Episode 3

    Purpose: Works on lateral jump and quick twitch muscle fibers. Practicing rotating in both directions helps skaters not overdevelop the muscles on one side.
    Focus: Lateral jump, explosiveness, axis and alignment, upper body position

  • Advanced: Single leg burpee with axel lockdown

    Episode 2

    Level: Advanced
    Base exercise: Burpee
    Variations: Single leg burpee, axel lockdown
    Purpose: A burpee is a great full body exercise for conditioning, and the single leg variation makes it even harder. The axel lockdown adds a skating specific element and works on the muscle memory and quick twit...

  • Advanced: Long jump with explosive hop and 1/2 turn

    Episode 1

    Level: Advanced
    Base exercise: long jump
    Variations: Explosive hop, 1/2 turn
    Jump components: Vertical height, horizontal distance, rotation
    Purpose: Plyometric and cardiovascular training
    Equipment: None