Rotational Jumps

Rotational Jumps

10 Seasons

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Rotational Jumps
  • Advanced: Across the floor alternating axel and loop take-off 1/2 turn drill

    Purpose: This across the floor exercise helps skaters work on both their loop and axel take-offs

    Focus: Timing and rhythm, quick twitch, tight air position, spatial awareness, across the floor

  • Foundation: Off-ice stationary loop lockdowns + 1/2 turn drill

    Episode 7

    Purpose: This drill helps skaters work on a quick snap into their air position on a loop take-off, vertical height on the take-off, rotation, and control of landings so that they can do it continuously.
    Focus: Loop take-off, Vertical height, tight air position, upper body control, jump combinations

  • Foundation: Off-ice stationary loop lockdowns + 1/4 turn with arms up drill

    Episode 6

    Purpose: This drill helps skaters work on a quick snap into their air position on a loop take-off, vertical height on the take-off, rotation, and control of landings so that they can do it continuously.
    Focus: vertical height, tight air position, upper body control, jump combinations

  • Foundation: Off-ice stationary loop lockdowns + 1/2 turn with arms up drill

    Episode 5

    Purpose: This drill helps skaters work on a quick snap into their air position on a loop take-off, vertical height on the take-off, rotation, and control of landings so that they can do it continuously.
    Focus: vertical height, tight air position, upper body control, jump combinations

  • Foundation: Off-ice take-off or landing to air position walk-through

    Purpose: This drill helps skaters build muscle memory for body positioning in a loop take-off into air position as well as from air position into jump landings
    Focus: Axis, alignment, tight air position, take-off hip flexion, landing hip flexion, triple extension

  • Foundation: Off-ice continuous single leg stationary: loop take-off & 1/4 turn

    Episode 4

    Level: Foundation
    Exercise: Single leg stationary: Loop take-off lockdown & 1/4 turns
    Purpose: This drill helps skaters work on a quick snap into their air position on a loop take-off, vertical height on the take-off, rotation, and control of landings so that they can do it continuously.

  • Foundation: Off-ice single leg stationary loop take-off hip twist drill

    Episode 3

    Level: Foundation
    Base exercise: Single leg stationary loop take-off
    Variation: Lockdown, hip twist
    Purpose: Skaters can improve their quick twitch firing on their jump take-offs by doing hip twists. This helps the skater learn how to generate vertical height and then rotation through their hips...

  • Foundation: Off-ice continuous stationary loop lockdowns drill

    Episode 2

    Level: Foundation
    Base exercise: Stationary loop lockdown
    Variation: Continuous
    Purpose: This drill makes skaters work on straight vertical height without rotation, and snapping into a tight air position. By doing these exercises continuously, skaters need to have a good axis and alignment over t...