Plyometric Jumps

Plyometric Jumps

5 Seasons

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Plyometric Jumps
  • Advanced-Elite: Jump lunge 1/2 turn exercise

    Episode 9

    Purpose: This advanced version of a jump lunge, a jump lunge 1/2 turn, helps skaters work on their explosive power, and is a great exercise to use in a plyometric or cardio workout.

    Focus: Explosive power, vertical height, cardio, endurance, explosive strength, lunge variation

  • Foundation: Introduction to burpees tutorial

    Episode 8

    Purpose: This video introduces the burpee exercise, explaining to skaters the benefit of this exercise, why it's helpful for a figure skater, key technique points to keep in mind when doing this exercise, and progressions for the burpee

    Focus: Basic technique, alignment, progressions, variations...

  • Beginner-Advanced: Jump lunge proper form and progressions tutorial

    Episode 7

    Purpose: In this video, Meg introduces jump lunges and teaches how to have proper form to avoid injury while doing this plyometric exercise. She gives several progressions so that exercise can be done from the beginner to the advanced level.

    Focus: Alignment, upper body position, explosive powe...

  • Elite: Single leg tuck jump to single leg squat exercise

    Episode 6

    Purpose: This plyo exercise takes a lot of strength and control to be able to explode up in the tuck jump and maintain a good axis over the standing leg to be able to do a single leg squat. It's a great exercise for working on the flying sit entrance!

    Focus: Axis and alignment, power, vertical h...

  • Advanced: Plie squat jump exercise demo

    Episode 5

    Purpose: Plie squat jumps are a great plyometric exercise for skaters to work on explosive turnout, which is needed in the toe-loop pivoting action.
    Focus: Glutes, hamstrings, quads, adductors

  • Advanced: Off-ice single leg burpee with axel and loop lockdowns exercise

    Episode 4

    Level: Advanced
    Exercise: Single leg burpee with axel and loop lockdowns
    Purpose: Skaters can work on their jump take-off height while doing this full body plyometric exercise to help develop their fast twitch muscle fibers
    Focus: plyometric, explosiveness, jump height, quick twitch muscle fibers...

  • Foundation: Jump lunge demonstration

    Episode 3

    Level: Foundation
    Base exercise: Lunge
    Variation: With a jump
    Purpose: Jump lunges give you all the strength building benefits of lunges with the additional benefits of power and fast twitch muscle training. They also are a fantastic anerobic cardio exercise, so they can be good for building endu...

  • Advanced: Off-ice deep squat to explosive 1/2 turn with weight demonstration

    Episode 1

    Level: Advanced
    Base exercise: Jump squat
    Variation: 1/2 turn with weight above the head
    Purpose: Skaters can build strength and practice their quick twitch and rotation with this exercise. Pushing the weighted Pilates ball above their heads in the 1/2 turn also helps skaters build strength and p...

  • Foundation: Ballet squat jump demonstration

    Episode 2

    Level: Foundation
    Base exercise: Squat jump
    Variation: Ballet squat
    Purpose: Works on building fast twitch muscle fibers and improving hip turnout
    Associated skating element: Toe-loop
    Equipment: No equipment

  • Advanced: Alternating jump lunge to deep squat and 1/4 turn with weights

    Episode 1

    Level: Advanced
    Base exercise: Alternating jump lunge
    Variations: Deep squat, 1/4 turn
    Jump components: Strength + Explosion, Rotation.
    Purpose: Plyometric strength building, fast twitch muscle fiber training, cardiovascular endurance
    Equipment: Weights

  • Advanced: Split scissor jump lunge demo

    Episode 1

    Level: Advanced
    Base exercise: Jump lunge
    Variation added: Split scissor jump
    Use for: Training quick twitch + explosive strength, quick timing + coordination.