Foundation-Elite: Alternating single leg squat hip and ankle mobility stretch
Episode 1
Purpose: Moving from one leg to the other in a single leg squat is a great way to test and improve mobility in the hips, knees, and ankles. The focus in this exercise is less on strength building and more on improving and maintaining mobility throughout the joints.
Focus: Hip mobility, ankle mo...
Foundation-Elite: Ankle dorsiflexion on elevated surface stretch
Episode 2
Purpose: This stretch helps improve ankle mobility, which is necessary for deep edges and jump entrances.
Focus: Ankle mobility, ankle range of motion, ankle dorsiflexion
Foundation-Advanced: Scorpion spinal twist stretch
Episode 3
Purpose: This spinal twist benefits the whole body as it stretches, lengthens, and strengthens. One side of the body is stretched while the other side supports. This can also be great low back tension relief
Focus: Shoulder mobility, spinal mobility, spinal rotation, hip mobility, back tension r...
Foundation: Off ice supported ankle mobility rocks demonstration
Episode 4
Level: Foundation
Primary focus: Ankle mobility
Additional benefits: Hip mobility.
Purpose: Works on ankle dorsiflexion, or the ability of the knee to press over the ankle while in a deep externally rotated squat.
Associated skating skills: Knee depth on edges, jump take-offs, landings. Espe... -
Beginner-Foundation: Wrist flexion stretch
Episode 5
Purpose: This wrist flexion stretch is helpful for creating more mobility through the wrists, which can help with more fluid artistry. Stretching the wrists is also helpful for skills like handstands, which can be tough on the wrists if they are not properly warmed up. More mobile wrists are als...
Foundation: Hand clasp wrist rotation clockwise and counterclockwise stretch
Episode 6
Purpose: Wrist mobility is important for figure skaters because choreography often uses our hands to express different things to music
Focus: Mobility, expression, wrist rotation
Foundation-Advanced: Table top internally rotated wrist extension stretch
Episode 7
Purpose: This exercise helps improve wrist flexibilty and mobilty, which can help with expression and choreography, as well as injury prevention because more mobile wrists are less likely to be sprained on a fall. This is also a good warm-up before skills like handstands or any kind of arm balanc...
00:25Episode 8
Beginner: Prayer hands wrist stretch
Episode 8
Purpose: This exercise helps improve wrist flexibilty and mobilty, which can help with expression and choreography, as well as injury prevention because more mobile wrists are less likely to be sprained on a fall
Focus: Injury pevention, expression, mobility, wrist extension
Foundation: Wall assisted shoulder abduction extension stretch
Episode 9
Purpose: This stretch helps improve shoulder abduction and shoulder extension. This can be a limiting factor for some skaters for proper arm movements in camel basic spins or camel variations as well as in layback and Biellmann positions
Focus: Shoulder extension, shoulder abduction, deltoid fle...
All levels: Kneeling wrist flexion and rotation exercise
Episode 10
Purpose: This exercise helps skaters increase mobility in their wrists. Wrists are an often-overlooked part of mobility, and should be worked on as hand movements play a big role in artistry and choreography
Focus: Wrist mobility, wrist flexion, wrist rotation, injury prevention, handstands
Foundation-Advanced: Table top varied angle wrist flexion stretch
Episode 11
Purpose: This exercise helps improve wrist flexibility and mobility, which can help with expression and choreography, as well as injury prevention because more mobile wrists are less likely to be sprained on a fall. This is also a good warm-up before skills like handstands or any kind of arm bala...
Beginner-Foundation: Arm and wrist fluid mobility stretch
Episode 12
Purpose: This exercise warms up movement through the wrists, elbows, and shoulders, so skaters can be more mobile for skills as well as artistry and expression
Focus: wrist mobility, elbow mobility, arm mobility, shouldermobility, expression
Beginner-Foundation: Wrist extension stretch.
Episode 13
Purpose: This wrist extension stretch is helpful for creating more mobility through the wrists, which can help with more fluid artistry. Stretching the wrists is also helpful for skills like handstands, which can be tough on the wrists if they are not properly warmed up. More mobile wrists are a...
Foundation-Advanced: Table top externally rotated wrist extension stretch
Episode 14
Purpose: This exercise helps improve wrist flexibilty and mobilty, which can help with expression and choreography, as well as injury prevention because more mobile wrists are less likely to be sprained on a fall. This is also a good warm-up before skills like handstands or any kind of arm balanc...
Beginner-Foundation: Overhead single arm shoulder stretch
Episode 15
Purpose: This drill helps skaters stretch one shoulder at a time by having the free arm gently pull on the arm that is overhead to increase the stretch. This should be done carefully and to the point of any pain.
Focus: Shoulder mobility, injury prevention, warm-up
Beginner-Foundation: Cross body shoulder stretch
Episode 16
Purpose: This stretch helps warm-up your shoulders and improve mobility, and shoulder mobility is necessary for all elements of skating.
Focus: Shoulder mobility, injury prevention, warm-up
Beginner-Advanced: Wrist mobility warm-up sequence tutorial
Episode 17
Purpose: This video takes skaters through a sequence of wrist exercises to warm up mobility and range of motion. Wrist mobility is important because it can help prevent injuries when falling, and hands are used in choreography to help express the music.
Focus: Wrist mobility, warm-up, artistry,...
Advanced-Elite: Hip injury prevention--massage, mobility, and stability tutorial
Episode 18
Purpose: This video address hip injuries in figure skaters and ways that skaters can be pro-active to avoid sidelining hip injuries.
Focus: Hip injury prevention, hip mobility, hip stability, soft tissue work, myofascial release, hip range of motion, hip flexor strength, glute strength, joint m...
All levels: Thread the needle spinal twist and upper body recovery stretch
Episode 19
Purpose: This pose is a great exercise for spinal mobility and to help relieve neck, shoulder, or upper back pain.
Focus: Shoulder mobility, spinal mobility, spinal rotation, back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain
00:34Episode 20
All levels: Cat-cow stretch
Episode 20
Purpose: Cat-cow is a great exercise for all levels to warm-up the back, spine, and upper body for any kind of movement. Skaters should focus on slowly articulating through each vertebrae in their spinal column as they move from cat to cow and reverse.
Focus: Spinal flexion, spinal extension, ba...
All levels: Forward fold spinal articulation stretch
Episode 21
Purpose: This variation of a forward fold is great for waking up your spine and increasing spinal mobility. Skaters should focus on slowly rolling down, imagining that they are starting with their head and neck and then lowering down vertebrae by vertebrae. When coming back up they should repeat ...
00:17Episode 22
Beginner: Off-ice neck rotation exercise
Episode 22
Purpose: Neck mobility is often overlooked but it is important for skaters posture, alignment, stress relief, and expression in choreography
Focus: Neck rotation, warm-up, mobility. -
00:16Episode 23
Beginner: Neck stretch up and down exercise
Episode 23
Purpose: Neck mobility is often overlooked but it is important for skaters posture, alignment, stress relief, and expression in choreography
Focus: Neck flexion, neck extension
Beginner: Off-ice neck lateral flexion exercise
Episode 24
Purpose: Neck mobility is often overlooked but it is important for skaters posture, alignment, stress relief, and expression in choreography
Focus: warm-up, mobility, neck lateral flexion.