Purpose: This video address hip injuries in figure skaters and ways that skaters can be pro-active to avoid sidelining hip injuries.
Focus: Hip injury prevention, hip mobility, hip stability, soft tissue work, myofascial release, hip range of motion, hip flexor strength, glute strength, joint mobilization.
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All levels: Thread the needle spinal ...
Purpose: This pose is a great exercise for spinal mobility and to help relieve neck, shoulder, or upper back pain.
Focus: Shoulder mobility, spinal mobility, spinal rotation, back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain
All levels: Cat-cow stretch
Purpose: Cat-cow is a great exercise for all levels to warm-up the back, spine, and upper body for any kind of movement. Skaters should focus on slowly articulating through each vertebrae in their spinal column as they move from cat to cow and reverse.
Focus: Spinal flexion, spinal extension, ba...
All levels: Forward fold spinal artic...
Purpose: This variation of a forward fold is great for waking up your spine and increasing spinal mobility. Skaters should focus on slowly rolling down, imagining that they are starting with their head and neck and then lowering down vertebrae by vertebrae. When coming back up they should repeat ...