Advanced-Elite: Banded free leg lutz reach back drill
Purpose: This drill helps skaters work on the stability in their skating leg and strength in their free leg with the lutz reach back.
Focus: Lutz entry, lutz picking, lutz reach-back, lutz take-off, stability, balance, free leg strength
Advanced-Elite: Lutz reach back to picking upper body and free leg timing drill
Purpose: This drill works on the coordination and position of the free leg and the arms in the lutz reach back to picking phase.
Focus: Lutz reach back, lutz picking, arm position, free leg position, timing and rhythm
Advanced-Elite: Resisted lutz outside edge drawback to follow-through drill
Purpose: This drill helps skaters work on the strength of their skating leg's outside edge pull back during the picking phase into the follow-through and transfer of the lutz jump
Focus: Lutz reach back, lutz picking, lutz take-off, lutz follow-through, skating side leg, outside edge, stability,...
Advanced-Elite: Off-ice lutz entry & picking reach back with yoga ball drill
Purpose: This drill helps skaters work on the stability of their skating leg on the picking and take-off phase of the lutz jump.
Focus: Standing leg stability, free leg position, free hip position, reach back, upper body position
Advanced-Elite: Off-ice lutz strength & stability mini class
Purpose: This mini classes leads skaters through a series of exercises to help improve their lutz jump
Focus: Lutz reach back, lutz picking, stability, control, strength, arm position, glute strength, ankle stability
Advanced: Off ice lutz entry reach back with resistance band demonstration
Episode 1
Level: Advanced
Jump: Lutz
Jump Phase: Entry
Purpose: Practice the balance needed for the outside edge reach back, with the resistance band adding an additional balance and strength challenge
Equipment: Resistance band -
Foundation-Elite: On-ice counter three turn powerpull lutz entrance demo
Episode 1
Purpose: This entry into the lutz is helpful for students who struggle to maintain the outside edge take-off.
Focus: Lutz entrance, lutz edge, flutz, rhythm, flow, power
Foundation: On-ice introductory lutz tutorial
Episode 1
In this video, Signe breaks down how to do an on ice lutz jump from a standstill exercise. She explains how it is different from the flip, and how to train a clear outside edge take-off so that it doesn't become a flip jump. She demonstrates how to work on the lutz jump from a standstill entranc...
Beginner: On-ice lutz jump from backwards crossover slow motion demonstration
Episode 1
Level: Beginner
Base exercise: Lutz jump
Variation: Viewed in slow motion
Purpose: Watching jumps in slow motion can be really helpful for skaters to understand and visualize all the phases of the jump
Focus: Understanding jump phases
Direction: Counterclockwise
Equipment: No Equipment -
Beginner-Foundation: Off-ice clockwise lutz jump basic technique tutorial
Episode 3
Purpose: This video teaches the basic technique for an off-ice lutz in a clockwise direction. All the lutz phases are explained--entrance, entry, picking & take-off, follow-through, air position, and landing.
Focus: Basic technique, jump phases, lutz entrance, lutz entry, lutz picking, lutz tak...
Foundation: Off-ice lutz phases and common mistakes tutorial
Episode 2
Purpose: This video introduces an off-ice Lutz and breaks down the different phases so skaters can really understand the jump all the way throughout from the entrance into the landing. It also covers most common mistakes and why they happen.
Focus: Basic technique, Lutz entry, Lutz picking, Lut...
Beginner-Foundation: Off-ice single Lutz introductory tutorial
Episode 5
Purpose: This video introduces an off-ice Lutz and breaks down the different phases so skaters can really understand the jump all the way throughout from the entrance into the landing. It also covers most common mistakes and why they happen. Skaters often struggle with differentiating between a f...