Level: Advanced
Base exercise: Loop jump take-off to follow through walkthrough
Variation: Snap into an outside twizzle after the follow through to imitate air position.
Purpose: This drill helps skaters practice the outside edge take-off and feeling their axis on the follow through so that they can snap into a tight air position. It also helps skaters practice the muscle engagement needed for air position while they are twizzling.
Helps with these common mistakes: Upper body initiates the rotation rather than following lower body, no increase of outside edge before the take-off, not being organized enough to snap into a tight air position.
Associated skating element: Loop jump
Rotational direction demonstrated: Counterclockwise
Equipment: No equipment
Up Next in General
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Beginner-Foundation: Off-ice clockwis...
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Beginner: On-ice forward inside three...
Level: Beginner
Base exercise: Loop jump
Variation: Forward inside three turn entrance, from standstill
Purpose: A forward inside three turn entrance for a loop jump is a good entrance to introduce skaters to the loop because it allows them to feel the continuing rotation, and it does not feel as...