Agility, Balance & Coordination
Beginner-Foundation: Introduction to jumpe rope beginning progressions tutorial
9m 45s
Purpose: This video teaches skaters how to jump rope from scratch. Skipping is such an important skill for figure skaters because it's a great warm-up for ankles, and great for coordination and building good timing and rhythm. This video introduces jump rope from the very beginning all the way up to more advanced progressions.
Focus: Basic technique, ankle strength, ankle stability, injury prevention, warm-up, coordination, timing and rhythm, progressions.
Up Next in General
Foundation-Advanced: Introduction to ...
Purpose: This tutorial teaches skaters how to start working on double unders for jump rope. Double unders are a great way to practice coordination, rhythm and timing, and fast twitch.
Focus: Timing, rhythm, fast twitch muscle fibers, coordination, jump height
Advanced: Three half turns & 1/2 turn...
Purpose: This cone drill helps skaters work on coordination and general rotation skills.
Focus: Spatial awarenss, body awareness, coordination, reactivity, timing and rhythm
Advanced: Wide and narrow quick feet ...
Purpose: Doing ladder drills can help skaters develop coordination and body awareness. These skills help them learn new skills and choreography more quickly, and also help them have tidier foot placement when skating.
Focus: Quick feet, timing and rhythm, body awareness, coordination