Agility, Balance & Coordination
Beginner-Advanced: Why is balance training so important? Off-ice tutorial
0:11 What is balance training, why is it important, and how should skaters practice it?
2:50 Static balance exercises
6:03 No equipment dynamic balance exercises
8:15 Bosu balance exercises
10:37 Skater specific balance exercises
Focus: Knee alignment, balance, stability, injury prevention, skating quality, posture
Up Next in Balance drills
Advanced: Forward & lateral leg exten...
Purpose: This balance exercise helps skaters work on extension of their free leg as well as balance and stability in the standing leg and free hip
Focus: Balance, stability, injury prevention, free hip lifted, upper body position
Advanced: Reverse squat to spiral exe...
Purpose: This reverse squat into a spiral is a great exercise to use to warm-up your balance, flexibility, and your lower body
Focus: Balance, lower body strength, lower body flexibility, warm-up
Foundation: Off-ice left spiral on th...
Purpose: Doing spirals on the floor can help skaters both work on their balance, flexibility, and technique to improve their spirals on the ice
Focus: Basic technique, balance, flexibility