Foundation: Off-ice two foot stationary 1 turn to max rotation 1 turn drill
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Purpose: This drill challenges and improves a skater's ability to do continuous rotation, and also change the conditions within the same drill. It is challenging to land with control on one foot for the max rotation at the end after doing a few rotations before.
Focus: Reactivity, continuous rotation, jump landing control, jump combos
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Advanced: Split scissor jump lunge demo
Level: Advanced
Base exercise: Jump lunge
Variation added: Split scissor jump
Use for: Training quick twitch + explosive strength, quick timing + coordination. -
Foundation-Advanced: Off-ice low lung...
Purpose: This low lunge stretch is great for stretching out your lower body. Grabbing the back foot gives you an additional quad stretch in the back leg.
Focus: Hip flexor stretch, quad stretch, hamstring stretch, ankle stretch, glute stretch.
Foundation: Off-ice stationary loop l...
Purpose: This drill helps skaters work on a quick snap into their air position on a loop take-off, vertical height on the take-off, rotation, and control of landings so that they can do it continuously.
Focus: vertical height, tight air position, upper body control, jump combinations