Foundation: Horizontal quick feet forward and backward ladder drill
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Purpose: Doing ladder drills can help skaters develop coordination and body awareness. These skills help them learn new skills and choreography more quickly, and also help them have tidier foot placement when skating.
Focus: Quick feet, timing and rhythm, body awareness, coordination
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Advanced: Off-ice floor forward sit s...
Purpose: By working on this spin variation off the ice, skaters can focus on maintaining good alignment over their skating leg as they press up from the sit spin into the Y-Spin. Having good balance and less wobbles will make the spin faster and higher quality on the ice.
Focus: Stability, basic... -
Beginner-Foundation: Off-ice intro to...
Purpose: This video teaches skaters the basics of twist jumps to help with their stationary rotation skills. Hip twists are essential for skaters to build quick twitch muscles rotating from the hips first rather than the upper body while keeping the head stable.
Focus: Basic technique, upper bod...
All levels: Why are my feet cramping ...
Purpose: This video addresses the question why are my feet cramping and what can I do to alieviate it?
Focus: Cramping, hydration, overuse, boot fit, medical conditions, prevention, pain relief, foot cramp, massage, foot massage