Purpose: Moving from one leg to the other in a single leg squat is a great way to test and improve mobility in the hips, knees, and ankles. The focus in this exercise is less on strength building and more on improving and maintaining mobility throughout the joints.
Focus: Hip mobility, ankle mobility, sit spin, change foot sit spin
Up Next in Foot + Ankle Mobility
Foundation-Elite: Ankle dorsiflexion ...
Purpose: This stretch helps improve ankle mobility, which is necessary for deep edges and jump entrances.
Focus: Ankle mobility, ankle range of motion, ankle dorsiflexion
Foundation: Off ice supported ankle m...
Level: Foundation
Primary focus: Ankle mobility
Additional benefits: Hip mobility.
Purpose: Works on ankle dorsiflexion, or the ability of the knee to press over the ankle while in a deep externally rotated squat.
Associated skating skills: Knee depth on edges, jump take-offs, landings. Espe...