Purpose: In this video Signe reviews the EDEA ice fly boot and talks about who might want to use these boots.
Focus: Boots, equipment review, ankle support, break-in, ankle support, balance point, landings, skate weight, skate shape, skate tie
Up Next in General
Advanced-Elite: Discussing range of m...
Purpose: This video talks about what range of motion is, why it is important for figure skaters, and how to test various areas in the body's range of motion.
Focus: Range of motion, injury prevention, ankle range of motion, hip range of motion, knee range of motion, hamstring flexibility, ankle...
All levels: Introduction to David Mer...
Purpose: Dr. David Merson introduces himself and his background and talks about his goals for the skaters who are viewing
Focus: Injury prevention, recovery, physical therapy, athletic trainer
Advanced: What SMART goals are and ho...
Purpose: Learn what SMART goals are and how you can apply them to your double axel journey.
Focus: Goal setting, motivation, specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, timing