Purpose: This drill is a great balance and strength exercise to work on the stability needed for snapping into a backward sit spin. It is a great exercise to incorporate into your warm-up!
Focus: Balance, stability, alignment, sit spin entry, sit spin snap, single leg squat, quad strength, ankle mobility.
Up Next in General
Foundation: Off-ice back sit spin ent...
Purpose: Walking through the spin phases is helpful for skaters to gain muscle memory in learning what correct weight placement and alignment feels like in the entry to the snap and hold phase. Doing this on a spinner has the additional benefit of allowing skaters to focus on where their weight p...
Foundation: Off-ice 1 turn check back...
Level: Foundation
Base exercise: Back sit spin
Variation: 1 turn to check position
Purpose: Skaters should work on having good alignment and a good axis and center of gravity on all their spinner spins before they try maximum rotation. By having skaters start in a strong checked position before ... -
Foundation: Off-ice backward sit spin...
Level: Foundation
Exercise: Spinner back sit spin
Purpose: Practicing spins on the spinner can be very helpful for skaters on the ice. It is more difficult to do spins on a spinner with improper technique than it is to do on the ice. Practicing spins on the spinner helps skaters really understand...