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Sit Spins

Foundation: Off-ice back sit spin entry to snap and hold on spinner walk-through


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  • Foundation: Off-ice 1 turn check back...

    Level: Foundation
    Base exercise: Back sit spin
    Variation: 1 turn to check position
    Purpose: Skaters should work on having good alignment and a good axis and center of gravity on all their spinner spins before they try maximum rotation. By having skaters start in a strong checked position before ...

  • Foundation: Off-ice backward sit spin...

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    Exercise: Spinner back sit spin
    Purpose: Practicing spins on the spinner can be very helpful for skaters on the ice. It is more difficult to do spins on a spinner with improper technique than it is to do on the ice. Practicing spins on the spinner helps skaters really understand...

  • Foundation: Off-ice spinner back sit ...

    Purpose: Skaters should work on having good alignment and a good axis and center of gravity on all their spinner spins in a 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, and 1 turn before they try maximum rotation. By having skaters start in a strong checked position before they snap into a 1/2 turn and recheck, skaters need t...