Advanced-Elite: Lutz reach back to picking upper body and free leg timing drill
Episode 1
Purpose: This drill works on the coordination and position of the free leg and the arms in the lutz reach back to picking phase.
Focus: Lutz reach back, lutz picking, arm position, free leg position, timing and rhythm
Foundation-Elite: On-ice counter three turn powerpull lutz entrance demo
Episode 2
Purpose: This entry into the lutz is helpful for students who struggle to maintain the outside edge take-off.
Focus: Lutz entrance, lutz edge, flutz, rhythm, flow, power
Advanced: Off ice lutz entry reach back with resistance band demonstration
Episode 3
Level: Advanced
Jump: Lutz
Jump Phase: Entry
Purpose: Practice the balance needed for the outside edge reach back, with the resistance band adding an additional balance and strength challenge
Equipment: Resistance band