Purpose: This is a nice relaxing and passive pose that skaters can use to stretch their quads after a practice session or workout
Focus: Quad flexibilty
Up Next in General
Foundation: Standing single leg quad ...
Purpose: This pose stretches a skater's quad one leg at a time while also having them work on balance and stability. The standing side arm up helps skaters think about elongating their axis through their standing side.
Focus: Balance, stability, axis, quad stretch.
Foundation-Advanced: Standing cross l...
Purpose: Crossing the legs in the forward fold allows skaters to target the lateral hamstrings and stretch the IT band, which can be a limiting factor in skater's flexibility poses
Focus: IT band flexibility
Advanced: Forward fold in pike positi...
Purpose: This forward fold variation increases the intensity of the stretch, and helps skaters work on getting their forehead to their knee, which is needed in a cannonball sit spin variation
Focus: Hamstring flexibilty, upper body position