All levels: 3 Critical Factors for on-ice jump success seminar.
Episode 3
Purpose: Signe breaks down three critical factors to on-ice jump success in addition to technique. She discusses alignment and axis of rotation, mobility and range of motion of the joints, and strength and quickness.
Focus: Jump consistency, off-ice training, alignment, axis of rotation, mobili...
Foundation-Elite: Building a support team to enhance performance seminar
Episode 2
Purpose: Signe and David Merson talk about what it means for an athlete to build a sports team around the athlete to help improve their sports performance.
Focus: Athletic support, physical therapist, sports team, injury prevention, recovery, functional screening, athletic training, time manage...
Advanced-Elite: How pre-season differs from in-season training
Episode 1
Purpose: This video looks at how your training should differ between pre-season and in-season.
Focus: Pre-season, loading, in-season, injury prevention, optimal performance, competition preparation