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Watch this video and more on FLEXAFIT EDGE


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Dynamic Strength & Stretch

Advanced: Off-ice externally rotated forward leg extension pulses exercise


Up Next in General

  • Foundation: Standing attitude positio...

    Purpose: This attitude position pulse helps build strength and flexibility in the hip flexors and is useful for the axel, layback, and attitude position.

    Focus: External hip rotation, hip flexor strength, proper shape

  • Beginner-Foundation: Off-ice supporte...

    Purpose: Warm-up your lower body before stretching or a training session with a curtsy lunge.

    Focus: Dynamic flexibility, quad strength, hamstring strength, balance, stability, hip stability

  • Foundation-Advanced: Upward-facing do...

    Purpose: The upward-facing dog is a great back stretch that opens up the chest and collarbones, lengthens the spine, stretches your wrists, and strengthens your back muscles.

    Focus: Back stretch, back strength, wrist stretch, chest opener, spinal elongation.