Dynamic Strength & Stretch

Dynamic Strength & Stretch

5 Seasons

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Dynamic Strength & Stretch
  • Beginner-Foundation: Off-ice supported cursty lunge pulses stretch

    Episode 14

    Purpose: Warm-up your lower body before stretching or a training session with a curtsy lunge.

    Focus: Dynamic flexibility, quad strength, hamstring strength, balance, stability, hip stability

  • Advanced: Off-ice banded clamshells and pulses stretch

    Episode 13

    Purpose: Clamshells are a great way to build strength and mobility in the hip flexors, which can be a limiting factor for many skaters in their splits, especially middle splits.

    Focus: Dynamic flexibility, hip flexor strength, glute strength, turnout, spread eagle, layback, middle splits, hip m...

  • Beginner-Foundation: Off-ice supported cursty lunge pulses to Y kick stretch

    Episode 11

    Purpose: Engage your quads and glutes in this curtsy lunge before kicking to the side in a Y position. This exercise helps build dynamic flexibility for the Y-stand

    Focus: Dynamic flexibility, lower body strength, glute strength, quad strength, balance, mobility, y-stand, hamstring flexibility

  • Beginner-Foundation: Off-ice supported foldover spiral pulses stretch

    Episode 10

    Purpose: This exercise is a great way to build strength and flexibilty in the hamstring muscle, and is a good dynamic stretch for warming up before a static hamstring stretch.

    Focus: Dynamic flexibility, warm-up, hamstring flexibility, glute strength, spirals

  • Beginner-Foundation: Off-ice supported lunge pulses stretch

    Episode 9

    Purpose: Lunge pulses are a great way to build mobility, strength, and flexibility in your lower body. This exercise can be used to warm-up for either static stretches or even as part of a warm-up before training or a workout.

    Focus: Dynamic flexibility, warm-up, hip flexor stretch, quad streng...

  • Advanced-Elite: 90-90 lift external rotation engagement and stretch

    Episode 6

    Purpose: This variation of 90-90 has skaters engage their glutes and hip flexors to lift their hips off the ground. This is great for training glute engagement and hip flexor engagement and working on external hip rotation.

    Focus: External hip rotation, glute engagement, hip flexor engagement, a...

  • Foundation: Warrior one stretch

    Episode 7

    Purpose: This pose, called warrior 1 in yoga, opens your chest, hip flexors, and the front of your body. It also strengthens your glutes, quads, hamstrings, core, and shoulders, so it is great for building strength and flexibility at the same time.

    Focus: warrior 1, yoga, hip flexors, chest ope...

  • Beginner-Foundation: Downward facing dog pedal stretch

    Episode 6

    Purpose: Downward dog is a great pose to stretch out the calves and ankles, which can get quite tight after a skating session. Peddling the feet by lifting one and then the other is a good way to get a deeper stretch through each calf muscle.

    Focus: Calf stretch, hamstring stretch, whole body ...

  • Advanced-Elite: Cossack squat forward and lateral fold stretch

    Episode 5

    Purpose: Cossack squats are great exercises for building hip mobility, ankle mobility, and glute, quad, and hamstring strength. This pose is great for skaters who are struggling with the hip mobility needed for single leg squats

    Focus: Hip mobility, ankle mobility, adductor stretch, external rot...

  • Advanced: 90-90 external hip lift and pulse exercise

    Episode 4

    Purpose: 90-90 is a foundational exercise for hip strength and mobility. This version strengthens the back leg which is in external rotation, while leaning forward and getting a stretch through the front hip flexor in internal rotation.

    Focus: Hip strength, hip stability, hip flexors, external r...

  • Advanced: Off-ice externally rotated forward leg extension pulses exercise

    Episode 3

    Purpose: This forward leg extension variation includes external rotation to move deeper into the hip flexors and a skaters range of motion in their hips
    Focus: Warm-up, external rotation, quads, hip flexors, glutes, mobility.

  • Foundation: Standing attitude position pose and pulses exercise

    Episode 1

    Purpose: This attitude position pulse helps build strength and flexibility in the hip flexors and is useful for the axel, layback, and attitude position.

    Focus: External hip rotation, hip flexor strength, proper shape