Purpose: This mini class leads skaters through a series of exercises to help them work on timing and rhythm with two foot stationary exercises. This is a good class to do after skaters are comfortable with 1/4, 1/2 and 1 turn stationary two foot jumps.
Focus: Timing and rhythm, jump consistency, quick twitch
Up Next in General
Advanced-Elite: Off-ice lutz strength...
Purpose: This mini classes leads skaters through a series of exercises to help improve their lutz jump
Focus: Lutz reach back, lutz picking, stability, control, strength, arm position, glute strength, ankle stability
Advanced: Off-ice fast twitch station...
Purpose: This is a jump class that helps skaters work on key off-ice jump exercises to improve fast twitch. The class starts with a warm-up and then moves into introduces the exercises that the skaters should work through.
Focus: Quick twitch, max rotation, rotational jumps, jump technique, air...
Foundation-Elite: Off-ice loop band s...
Purpose: This video features exercises to help train the muscles for the salchow jump, whether you are working on singles, doubles or triples. It is important to train the smaller muscle groups to help activate the positions properly.
Focus: Salchow entry, glute activation, salchow take-off, sa...