Purpose: This exercise challenges a skaters coordination and strength as well as the ability to maintain a neutral position of the spine.
This video demonstrates using a wobble disc on the back to help skaters maintain a good awareness of their spinal position. A yoga block or another object could also be used instead.
Focus: Coordination, core strength, warm-up, stability, injury prevention, body alignment
Up Next in General
Elite: Off-ice single leg banded reac...
Purpose: This challenging exercise can help skaters work on their balance and strength in their standing leg, the leg strength for the reach back in the free leg, and overall core strength and stability to maintain the position.
Focus: Balance, stability, injury prevention, ankle strength, flip...
Advanced: Off-ice camel to sit positi...
Level: Advanced
Base exercise: Camel to sit position
Variation: On bosu
Purpose: Skaters can practice their combination spins on a bosu to help improve their strength and alignment. This should help them have a stronger and faster position on the ice.
Focus: Balance, alignment, stability, streng... -
Advanced: Curtsey lunge to air positi...
Level: Advanced
Base exercise: Curtsey lunge
Variations: Curtsey lunge into air position, on bosu
Purpose: Stability--this exercise helps improve balance and strength as you transfer from the back leg into the air position, and also helps train body position in the air position on the bosu.