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Flexibility Poses & Static Stretches

Foundation-Advanced: Lying down IT band stretch with stretch strap


Up Next in Lower body flexibility

  • Advanced: Forward fold in pike positi...

    Purpose: This forward fold variation increases the intensity of the stretch, and helps skaters work on getting their forehead to their knee, which is needed in a cannonball sit spin variation

    Focus: Hamstring flexibilty, upper body position

  • Advanced: Front oversplits hamstring ...

    Purpose: When skaters can do their front splits all the way to the ground, with square hips, they are ready to work on their oversplits. Placing a yoga block under the front leg increases the intensity of the hamstring stretch in the front leg.

    Focus: Hamstring flexibilty

  • Beginner-Foundation: Lying down singl...

    Purpose: This is a nice relaxing and passive pose that skaters can use to stretch their quads after a practice session or workout

    Focus: Quad flexibilty