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Flexibility Poses & Static Stretches

Advanced-Elite: Seated feet elevated forward fold stretch


Up Next in Lower body flexibility

  • Beginner-Foundation: Seated single le...

    Purpose: This hamstring stretch allows skaters to work on stretching one hamstring at a time, so they can get deeper into the stretch. This stretch also flows well in a stretch sequence from low and high lunges

    Focus: Hamstring flexibilty

  • Foundation-Elite: Supine single leg h...

    Purpose: This lying down hamstring stretch is a good way to work on deep hamstring flexibilty in one leg at a time. Skaters should work to keep their shoulders and hips pressed into the ground evenly on this stretch so they aren't rotating or compensating to try to pull the leg closer.

    Focus: H...

  • Beginner-Foundation: Seated single le...

    Purpose: This seated hamstring stretch is helpful for stretching one hamstring at a time. It is easier than a standing variation because the skater does not have to focus on stability and can get deeper into the stretch.

    Focus: Hamstring flexibility, ankle mobility, ankle flexion, forward splits