Beginner: On-ice introductory waltz jump tutorial
5m 37s
When skaters first learn a waltz jump, it can be easy to start by learning a swingy, uncontrolled technique that is hard to unlearn when they want to improve their waltz jump or learn an axel. In this video, Signe shows how the waltz jump can be broken down into six progressions even from when skaters first learn their waltz jump so that they have a solid foundational technique that they can build on later. These are the same six steps that are used for an off-ice waltz jump, so skaters can have consistency between their on and off ice practice.
From standstill the six steps are:
1) Feet apart, looking in the direction of the jump
2) Bringing the feet into a T position and hands together into a V
3) Stepping into the jump, leading with the skating side
4) Follow through into H position
5) 1/2 turn jump over to landing leg.
6) Checking out of the jump in an exit position.
From these six steps, skaters can add more speed and flow to continue to improve their waltz jump.