Purpose: These two exercises are great functional and skater specific ones to build into a core workout. The skater planks with a twist work on a skaters core while adding an element of spinal rotation and working on tight ankles for air position. Leg drop downs are a great exercise for the core and lower back, and can help build strength to prevent injuries that come from overarching the back
Focus: Core strength, spinal rotation, hip stability, tight air position, skater specific core, deep core strength, pelvic floor strength, low back injury prevention
Up Next in Functional & skater specific core
Advanced: Forward and side plank skat...
Purpose: These advanced plank variations can help you mix up your workout and add a skating specific element into your plank exercises.
Focus: Plank variation, abdominal strength, core strength, obliques, hip flexor strength, glute strength, tight air position
Advanced: Superman raise with a twist...
Purpose: This advanced version of superman helps you build a strong and stable back which can help with posture and injury prevention. Adding in the twist adds an element of spinal rotation that is helpful because figure skaters experience a lot of spinal rotation
Focus: Injury prevention, stabi...
Advanced: High forward plank with leg...
Purpose: This forward plank with leg extension drill helps challenge and build core strength while also working on stability and toning the muscle. The pulses also help develop explosiveness in the leg muscles
Focus: Core, quads, leg extension, explosiveness, toning