Full Body Strength & Conditioning
Advanced-Elite: Slider side lunge with overhead press exercise
Purpose: This full-body exercise works a skaters' lower body in the side lunge and upper body with the overhead press. The slider is especially helpful for skaters to build inner thigh strength. By pressing into the slider as they squeeze back into a standing position, skaters can strengthen their hip adductors.
Focus: Lower body strength, upper body strength, quad strength, hamstring strength, glute strength, adductor strength, abductor strength, deltoid strength, shoulder strength, tricep strength
Up Next in Advanced
Advanced-Elite: Ballet squat pulses w...
Purpose: This full-body exercise tones skater's lower body stability muscles while in a deep ballet squat, as well as challenging skaters to maintain good arm position.
Focus: Lower body strength, lower body stability, lower body toning, glute strength, hip strength, quad strength external rota...
Advanced-Elite: Top five exercises fo...
Purpose: In this video, Signe demonstrates her five favorite exercises to do with a yoga ball. These exercises include lower body exercises, core exercises, and stability exercises. A yoga ball is a great piece of equipment because it adds in an element of instability into exercises that make it ...
Advanced: Rotational squat with weigh...
Purpose: This squat adds in a twist element to allow skaters to work on their spinal rotation and stability. This is benefitcial in jumps as they have to explode vertically and then rotate in air position
Focus: Quad strength, hamstring strength, explosive power, plyometric power, rotational po...