Purpose: In this video, Signe introduces an off-ice toe-loop jump for figure skaters into distinct steps so that they can really practice good technique and muscle memory throughout the jump. Practicing jumps off-ice is key for skaters to get consistently high quality jumps on the ice because skaters can isolate the different phases of the jump to fix any issues that are occurring.
Focus: Basic technique, from scratch, toe-loop entrance, toe-loop entry, toe-loop picking, toe-loop pivot, toe-loop take-off, toe-loop follow-through, upper body position, head position, arm position, free leg position.
Up Next in General
Beginner-Foundation: On-ice introduct...
In this video, Signe breaks down the basic concepts for the toe loop into eight steps.
Pre-requisite: Inside three turn on the circle with the free leg extended on entrance and exit.
Signe explains that she recommends learning a toe loop with the same technique that will be used in a double to...