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Rotational Jumps

Foundation: Off-ice single leg stationary change foot 1 turn with arms up drill


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  • Foundation: Off-ice stationary change...

    Purpose: Doing change foot jumps from stationary is helpful for skaters to improve their consistency and their power because they need to generate vertical height and the rotation without the additional help of momentum from the entry. Skaters should consistently practice change foot jumps in inc...

  • Foundation: Off-ice consecutive singl...

    Level: Foundation
    Base exercise: Single leg stationary change foot
    Variation: 1 turn, consecutive
    Purpose: Practicing single leg stationary axel take-offs is important so that skaters can focus on the stability and quality of their take-off position into their follow through. If skaters are pract...

  • Foundation: Stationary change foot wi...

    "Purpose: This stationary change foot drill adds in distance, so skaters are not landing in the same spot as they took off. This helps skaters bridge the gap between their stationary change foot technque and their across the floor axel technique. Skaters should still focus on keeping everything o...