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Rotational Jumps

Foundation: Off-ice backward landing explosive hops drill


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  • Foundation: On ice H position to stre...

    Level: Foundation Base exercise: Checked H position to stretched landing position Variation: Purpose: This drill helps skaters work on keeping their bodies checked over the landing side while on a backwards outside edge before moving into a stretched landing position. Helps with these common mist...

  • Foundation: On ice checked to stretch...

    Level: Foundation
    Base exercise: Checked (H position) to stretched landing position
    Variation: On a straight line Purpose: Doing this exercise on a straight line is easier than on a backwards outside edge, so this drill helps skaters build control moving from the checked to stretched phase of a...

  • Foundation: Axel leg air position hop...

    Level: Foundation
    Jump Phase: Landing
    Base exercise: Air position to trapped then stretched landing position.
    Variation: Axel leg air position hops then transfer to landing leg.
    Purpose: Helps skaters practice building and improving muscle memory from in air position to a trapped then stretche...