

6 Seasons

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  • Advanced: Neutral spine, spinal movements, and deep core engagement tutorial

    Purpose: This video teaches skaters how to practice a neutral spine to help improve their posture and prevent injuries and common skater errors like anterior pelvic tilt and sway back.

    Focus: Neutral spine, posterior tilt, anterior tilt, low abdominals, deep abdominals, posture, alignment, inju...

  • Foundation: Seated neck and spinal mobility sequence

    Episode 8

    Purpose: In this video, Emily guides skaters through a sequence of seated neck stretches. Beginners should do standing neck stretches rather than seated as it is more likely for skaters to round their spine and not maintain good posture when seated rather than standing. Neck stretches are importa...

  • Beginner-Foundation: Standing neck mobility and head position awareness sequence

    Episode 7

    Purpose: In this video, Emily guides skaters through a sequence of neck stretches. Neck stretches are important to maintain full body mobility, and good body awareness. Skaters often have issues dropping their head or knowing where it is in space during jump or spin, so these exercises can help s...

  • All levels: Thread the needle spinal twist and upper body recovery stretch

    Episode 6

    Purpose: This pose is a great exercise for spinal mobility and to help relieve neck, shoulder, or upper back pain.

    Focus: Shoulder mobility, spinal mobility, spinal rotation, back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain

  • All levels: Cat-cow stretch

    Episode 5

    Purpose: Cat-cow is a great exercise for all levels to warm-up the back, spine, and upper body for any kind of movement. Skaters should focus on slowly articulating through each vertebrae in their spinal column as they move from cat to cow and reverse.

    Focus: Spinal flexion, spinal extension, ba...

  • All levels: Forward fold spinal articulation stretch

    Episode 4

    Purpose: This variation of a forward fold is great for waking up your spine and increasing spinal mobility. Skaters should focus on slowly rolling down, imagining that they are starting with their head and neck and then lowering down vertebrae by vertebrae. When coming back up they should repeat ...

  • Beginner: Off-ice neck lateral flexion exercise

    Episode 3

    Purpose: Neck mobility is often overlooked but it is important for skaters posture, alignment, stress relief, and expression in choreography
    Focus: warm-up, mobility, neck lateral flexion.

  • Beginner: Off-ice neck rotation exercise

    Episode 2

    Purpose: Neck mobility is often overlooked but it is important for skaters posture, alignment, stress relief, and expression in choreography
    Focus: Neck rotation, warm-up, mobility.

  • Beginner: Neck stretch up and down exercise

    Episode 1

    Purpose: Neck mobility is often overlooked but it is important for skaters posture, alignment, stress relief, and expression in choreography

    Focus: Neck flexion, neck extension