Purpose: Increase the difficulty of the glute bridge and build strength unilaterally with this variation.
Focus: Glute strength, hamstring strength, core strength, unilateral
Up Next in General
Elite: Off-ice single leg banded reac...
Purpose: This challenging exercise can help skaters work on their balance and strength in their standing leg, the leg strength for the reach back in the free leg, and overall core strength and stability to maintain the position.
Focus: Balance, stability, injury prevention, ankle strength, flip...
Advanced-Elite: 90-90 externally rota...
Purpose: This is a great exercise for building hip strength and stability, which is especially important for figure skaters on their jump landings, and to prevent injuries such as hip tears. This variation works on building hip strength in an externally rotated position.
Focus: Hip strength, hi...
Advanced: Off-ice supported heels lif...
Purpose: This squat pulse activates both your quads and your calves, which makes it a great exercise for a warm-up.
Focus: Calf activation, quad activation, muscle toning, stability, injury prevention, knee injury prevention.