Level: Advanced
Exercise: Single leg on med ball glute bridge raises
Purpose: Single leg glute raises are a great exercise to have skaters develop unilateral strength for jump take-offs, stroking, and other hip extension type movements. Having a foot on a med ball adds a difficulty with the challenge of the instability, which mimics the unstable forces skaters exert strength against on the ice.
Focus: Gluteus medius, gluteus maximus, gluteus minimus, hamstrings, hip flexors, stability training,
Equipment: Medicine ball
Up Next in General
Foundation: Clamshells with resistanc...
Level: Foundation
Base exercise: Clamshells
Variation: Resistance band around the knees for added difficulty
Muscles worked: Gluteus Medius and gluteus maximus.
Purpose: Injury prevention, stability.
Range: Muscle isolation--lower body.
Contraction type: Isotonic.
Movement: Hip Abduction a... -
Foundation-Elite: Improving the axel ...
Purpose: This circuit will help improve your strength in the glute medius, minimus and maximus muscles in order to help better align your axel take-off and activate the muscles needed to perform a stable jump.
Focus: Glute activation, gluteus minimus, gluteus maximus, axel take-off, axel follow-...
Advanced: Off-ice single leg squat ex...
Purpose: The single leg squat is an essential skating exercise, but its incredibly hard to do off the ice. They also are a good test of general alignment and strength and an indicator for potential injuries. Skaters should work on maintaining good alignment of the knee with the foot and watch tha...