Advanced: Forearm side plank top leg lift on knees exercise
Purpose: This exercise is a progression of a side plank and and a side lying leg lift.
Focus: Hip abductors, obliques, transversus abdominus, TFL, glutes, back injury prevention
Advanced-Elite: 90-90 externally rotated hip lifts with leg extension exercise
Episode 2
Purpose: This is a great exercise for building hip strength and stability, which is especially important for figure skaters on their jump landings, and to prevent injuries such as hip tears. This variation works on building hip strength in an externally rotated position.
Focus: Hip strength, hi...
Beginner-Foundation: Clamshell hinges exercise
Episode 1
Purpose: Clamshells are a great way for skaters to work on learning glute and hip activation and building strength and mobility
Focus: Hip strength, glute strength, glute activation, hip flexor activation, hip abduction, external rotation, back injury prevention, hip injury prevention