Purpose: This stretch helps improve ankle mobility, which is necessary for deep edges and jump entrances.
Focus: Ankle mobility, ankle range of motion, ankle dorsiflexion
Up Next in General
Foundation-Advanced: Off-ice superman...
Purpose: This exercise helps skaters work on strengthening their core muscles in the front and back of the body, and is also a great exercise to promote back flexibility.
Focus: Back strength, back injury prevention, back flexibility, Biellmann spin, air position
Advanced-Elite: Bird dog plank exercise
Purpose: This advanced version of a bird dog challenges a skaters' stability and ability to keep a neutral spine while moving in a cross body pattern.
Focus: Coordination, stability, back injury prevention, core strength, advanced progression
Advanced-Elite: 90-90 externally rota...
Purpose: This is a great exercise for building hip strength and stability, which is especially important for figure skaters on their jump landings, and to prevent injuries such as hip tears. This variation works on building hip strength in an externally rotated position.
Focus: Hip strength, hi...