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Flexibility Poses & Static Stretches

Advanced: King pigeon pose progression stretch


Up Next in General

  • Beginner: Child's pose stretch

    Purpose: Childs pose is a wonderful stretch with many benefits, including opening up your hips, lengthening your spine, relaxing your back, and stretching your ankles. It is also great for cool-down or for resetting your back after a back stretch

    Focus: Injury prevention, hip opener, spinal elon...

  • Foundation: Shoulder extension arm lo...

    Purpose: This pose helps stretch out your shoulders and increase mobility while also stretching your hamstrings and relieving low back tension in the forward fold

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  • Foundation-Advanced: Standing forward...

    Purpose: This variation of a standing forward fold helps skaters also work on shoulder mobility and flexibilty while stretching their hamstrings. Shoulder flexibilty is important for skills like the biellmann and any catch spirals or spins, as well as injury prevention

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