Purpose: The pancake can help skaters prep for the middle splits. In a pancake stretch, the skater folds forward, which mainly targets the hamstrings, but the legs are open, which also works hip rotation. The difference between the pancake and the middle splits is that in a pancake stretch, the pelvis is an anterior tilt.
Focus: External rotation, hamstring flexibilty, hip rotation, anterior pelvic tilt, spinal elongation
Up Next in Lower body flexibility
Foundation: Standing single leg hamst...
Purpose: This pose stretches one hamstring at a time, which can allow you to get deeper into the stretch. The foot lifted up also helps with ankle flexion and mobility
Focus: Hamstring flexibility, ankle mobility, ankle flexion, forward splits
Advanced: Standing hamstring stretch ...
Purpose: This stretch helps skaters work on hamstring flexibilty with their leg above 90 degrees, working towards skills like an I spin
Focus: Hamstring flexibility, hip flexion
Advanced: Seated forward straddle wit...
Purpose: This split is helpful for skaters to work on their middle split flexibility, their Russian split jump, and external hip rotation. Reaching forward in the straddle increases the intensity of the stretch and also allows skaters to work on lengthening their spine and stretching their arms a...