Foundation-Advanced: Off-ice superman lifts exercise
Episode 2
Purpose: This exercise helps skaters work on strengthening their core muscles in the front and back of the body, and is also a great exercise to promote back flexibility.
Focus: Back strength, back injury prevention, back flexibility, Biellmann spin, air position
Advanced-Elite: Superman variation: flutter kick exercise
Episode 3
Purpose: This variation of a superman is great for skaters who need a harder version. They also challenge a skater's coordination and rhythm!
Focus: Back strength, core strength, timing, rhythm, coordination, posterior chain.
Beginner-Foundation: Introduction to a hollow body hold tutorial.
Episode 2
Purpose: This video introduces the hollow body hold exercise, what it is and its benefits, and key technique aspects to remember when doing this exercise. The trainer also shows some progressions and variations to do with this exercise.
Focus: Basic technique, deep abdominal muscles, lower back...
Advanced: Sprinter sit-ups demonstration
Episode 1
Level: Advanced
Base exercise: Sit-up
Variation: Sprinter sit-up
Purpose: Sprinter sit-ups can help improve speed and drive, so it is a good variation for skaters to use in their workouts
Focus: Hip flexors, abs
Direction: N/A
Equipment: None